Individual Therapy
When you need to help yourself first! Whether you are struggling with anxiety or depression, trying to improve or make decisions about relationships, or looking to increase overall self-awareness, you have come to the right place.
Child and Family Therapy
Raising a family is tough! And while there are a million books on thousands of subjects, sometimes you need specialized support. If you are concerned about your child or adolescent, whether due to behavioral issues, anxiety and depression, divorce-related adjustment issues, or truly feeling lost about anything else, please reach out so we can talk. We can work together to discern your family’s best course of action and try and turn things around.
Couples Therapy
Being in a relationship takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Unfortunately, most of us are not taught what work we need to be doing to have the relationship we want. While it can be scary to make the first call, investing in strengthening your primary relationship is one of the best decisions you can make. Couples therapy is here to teach you the skills you need to make your relationship stronger. Whether you just need a tune-up or are on the brink of divorce, couples therapy can help you learn to communicate more effectively, resolve and manage conflict productively, and enhance intimacy.
Children's social skill groups, child and adult divorce support groups, anxiety skills groups are all wonderful ways to increase real-world application of emerging areas of growth.
Speaking Engagments
I am available to speak to school or parent groups on a variety of topics.
I am available for consultation via phone or video conferencing for clients who are unable to meet in person.